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Phmsa Triskelion LogoUnited States Department of Transportation
Archived Meetings

PHMSA Public Workshop on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Regulations

Meeting Information
Status Completed
Starts May 18, 2016 at 8:30 AM EST
Ends May 19, 2016 at 4:30 PM EST
Location U.S. DOT, West Building Atrium, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington,DC
Virtual Information

The recorded webcast of this meeting will be available for viewing at

Purpose & Summary

This two-day LNG Workshop is to solicit input and obtain background information for the formulation of a future regulatory change to CFR 49 Part 193, Liquefied Natural Gas Facilities. This workshop will bring federal and State regulators, emergency responders, NFPA 59A technical committee members, industry, and interested members of the public together to participate in shaping a future liquefied natural gas (LNG) rule.


Current and previous versions of NFPA 59A can be viewed online at no cost at

49 CFR Part 193 is located at

Additional Information

PHMSA recognizes that the LNG market is evolving due to the abundance of natural gas, stricter emissions regulations, new technologies, and new applications for the use of LNG. PHMSA also recognizes that the majority of LNG facilities in service today were constructed in the 1970's and that existing regulations may not adequately incorporate risk based assessments, process safety practices, and technologies that have developed over this time period. Additionally, newer editions of technical standards incorporated by reference in 49 CFR Part 193 have been issued since the last time the regulation was updated.

More information is provided in the Federal Register notice for this meeting, that is available below.

Current and previous versions of NFPA 59A can be viewed online at no cost, at:

49 CFR Part 193 can be viewed online at:

To submit comments before or after the meeting:

  • E-Gov Web Site: Comments should reference Docket No. PHMSA- 2016-0005. Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
  • Fax: 1-202-493-2251.
  • Mail: Docket Management System, U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590.
  • Hand Delivery: DOT Docket Management System, Room W12-140, on the ground floor of the West Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

For further information, contact Julie Halliday, Engineering and Research Division, at 202-366—0287 or Julie.Halliday @
 File Type08/12/2016: Report: Review of Vapor Cloud Explosion Incidents. Atkinson & Hall. 4/11/16
MH_15_80_HSL_Review_of_VCE_incidents_-_July_13th_2016.pdf (11,551 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #853]
 File Type08/12/2016: PHMSA Cover Letter to Report: Review of Vapor Cloud Explosion Incidents
PHMSA_VCE_Report_Cover_Letter_8_11_2016.pdf (98 KB)
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 File Type04/29/2016: Federal Register Notice (FRN) for LNG Workshop
Federal_Register_Notice_-_LNG_Public_Workshop_-_20160426.pdf (197 KB)
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 File Type05/12/2016: 
LNG_Workshop_Final_Agenda_20160512.pdf (94 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
18th_May_-_10_-LNG_Tanks_Hatfield.pdf (4,556 KB)
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18th_May_-_11_VJP_Martineau.pdf (1,217 KB)
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18th_May_-_12_-PSE_MarinePeakshaving_Hogan.pdf (2,239 KB)
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18th_May_-_13_OHMS_Falat.pdf (1,254 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
18th_May_-_1_PHMSA_Opening_Mayberry.pdf (2,318 KB)
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18th_May_-_2_-NAPSR_Perspective_Schaefgen.pdf (120 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
18th_May_-_3_NFPA_59A_Perspective_Jablonski.pdf (602 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
18th_May_-_4_Facility_Siting_Risk_and_the_Public_Gosman.pdf (218 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #763]
 File Type05/17/2016: 
18th_May_-_5_Emergency_Responder_GTI_Doyle.pdf (1,740 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
18th_May_-_6_-AGA_Perspective_Ritz.pdf (406 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #776]
 File Type05/17/2016: 
18th_May_-_7_Large_Scale_Perspective_Outtrim_Video_Journey_Final.pdf (2,242 KB)
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18th_May_-_9_GTT_Membrane_Tanks_Denton.pdf (882 KB)
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19th_May_-_10_Process_Safety_at_Cameron_LNG_Gray.pdf (1,260 KB)
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19th_May_-_1_LNG_Incident_Reports_Lee.pdf (264 KB)
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19th_May_-_2_-Williams_Plymouth_Technical_Discussion_Studer.pdf (2,434 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
19th_May_-_3__-Response_to_Williams_LNG_Incident_Click.pdf (3,938 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
19th_May_-_4_VCEs_Atkinson_new.pdf (2,843 KB)
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19th_May_-_5_-NFPA_Database_MEP_Gant.pdf (1,213 KB)
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19th_May_-_6_CH-IV_R-D_Suter.pdf (387 KB)
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19th_May_-_7_-QRA_for_Siting_Marx.pdf (1,371 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
19th_May_-_8_Risk_Based_Siting_DNV_GL_Stahl.pdf (62 KB)
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 File Type05/17/2016: 
19th_May_-_9_PSM_at_LNG_Plants_Moore.pdf (785 KB)
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 File Type07/18/2016: Recorded meeting notes from 2016 Public Workshop on LNG Regulations
LNG_Workshop_Notes_20160718.pdf (478 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #832]
 File Type05/17/2016: 
Bios_US_DOT_PHMSA_LNG_Workshop_5_16_2106.pdf (245 KB)
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