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Phmsa Triskelion LogoUnited States Department of Transportation
Archived Meetings

PHMSA Meeting Registration

All Meetings from 2012:

2012 Meetings

  1. 12/11/2012  Gas Pipeline Advisory Committee (TPSSC & LPAC) #82
  2. 10/05/2012  Pipeline Leak Detection and Automatic/Remote Controlled Shutoff Valve Studies Web-Based Briefing #80
  3. 09/20/2012  Expert Forum on the Use of Performance-based Regulatory Models in the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry, Offshore and Onshore #79
  4. 07/18/2012  Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum #77
  5. 07/11/2012  Technical Pipeline Safety Standards Committee and Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee Joint Public Meeting #78
  6. 06/27/2012  DIMP Implementation Workshop #76
  7. 03/27/2012  Improving Pipeline Leak Detection System Effectiveness and Understanding the Application of Automatic/Remote Control Valves #75

Prior Year Meetings

  1. December 11, 2012 "Gas Pipeline Advisory Committee (TPSSC & LPAC)"

    The meetings will not be web cast; however, presentations will be available on the meeting website and posted in the E-Gov Web Site: under docket number PHMSA—2009-0203 within 30 days following the meeting.

    Location: Westin Alexandria, 400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA 22314

    This public meeting of the Gas Pipeline Advisory Committee (GPAC), also known as the Technical Pipeline Safety Standards Committee, and the Liquid Pipeline Advisory Committee (LPAC), also known as the Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee. The committees will meet to discuss two proposed rules, the first to implement changes to the administrative procedures in Part 190 Enforcement Procedures, and the second to establish criteria and procedures for determining the adequacy of state pipeline excavation damage prevention law enforcement programs; to establish an administrative process for making adequacy determinations and Federal requirements PHMSA will enforce in states with inadequate programs; and to establish the adjudication process for administrative enforcement proceedings against excavators where Federal authority is exercised.

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  2. October  5, 2012 "Pipeline Leak Detection and Automatic/Remote Controlled Shutoff Valve Studies Web-Based Briefing"
    Final Reports for both studies
    Location: Virtual/Web-Based only

    PHMSA conducted this web-based meeting to share the progress and status on the two commissioned studies for improving pipeline leak detection system effectiveness and understanding the application of automatic control and remote control shutoff valves. These studies were conducted in response to mandates from the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job creation Act of 2011 and NTSB recommendations from the San Bruno accident. The final reports based on public comment, the draft reports, and comments submitted for the draft report are provided below.

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  3. September 20, 2012 "Expert Forum on the Use of Performance-based Regulatory Models in the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry, Offshore and Onshore"

    All of the presentations have been added to the meeting docket. They can be accessed by going to and searching for OSHA-2012-0033

    Location: College of the Mainland, Learning Resource Center, Texas City, TX

    The Department of Labor, Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), Department of Interior, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), United States Coast Guard (USCG), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) invite interested parties to participate in a co-sponsored stakeholder meeting on the use and implementation of performance-based regulatory models for enhanced safety and environmental performance in the United States oil and gas industry. The meeting will be held at the College of the Mainland and hosted by the Gulf Coast Safety Institute. Speakers will address the current regulatory landscape and discuss the challenges and benefits of non-prescriptive, outcome-based approaches to reduce the frequency and severity of harmful events.

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  4. July 18, 2012 "Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum"

    Click here for the results of the 2012 R&D Forum.

    Location: The Westin Arlington, Arlington, VA
    Overview: The Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum was held in Arlington, Virginia on July 18-19, 2012. The 2 day event is held periodically to generate a National research agenda that fosters solutions for the many challenges with pipeline safety and with protecting the environment. The forum allows public, government and industry pipeline stakeholders to develop a consensus on the technical gaps and challenges for future research. It also reduces duplication of programs, factors ongoing research efforts, leverages resources and broadens synergies. The national research agenda coming out of these events is aligned with the needs of the pipeline safety mission, makes use of the best available knowledge and expertise, and considers stakeholder perspectives. Specifically the forum:
    1. Identifies key pipeline technical challenges facing industry and government;
    2. Disseminates information on current research efforts; and
    3. Identifies new research that can help to meet known challenges.
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  5. July 11, 2012 "Technical Pipeline Safety Standards Committee and Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee Joint Public Meeting"
    Location: TBD

    This is a public meeting of the Technical Pipeline Safety Standards Committee (TPSSC) and the Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee (THLPSSC). The committees will meet to discuss a proposed rulemaking to make miscellaneous changes to the pipeline safety regulations and to several future regulatory initiatives.

    Committee Background
    The TPSSC and THLPSSC are statutorily mandated advisory committees that advise PHMSA on proposed safety standards, risks assessments, and safety policies for natural gas pipelines and for hazardous liquid pipelines. Both committees were established under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92—463, 5 U.S.C. App. 1) and the pipeline safety law (49 U.S.C. Chap. 601). Each committee consists of 15 members—with membership evenly divided among the Federal and state government, the regulated industry, and the public. The committees advise PHMSA on the technical feasibility, practicability, and cost-effectiveness of each proposed pipeline safety standard.
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  6. June 27, 2012 "DIMP Implementation Workshop"
    Location: OMNI Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas
    Overview: The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives are sponsoring this public meeting to:
    • Discuss observations from initial inspections of distribution pipeline operator implementation of integrity management requirements for gas distribution pipelines.
    • Provide for panel discussions involving gas distribution pipeline industry representatives on topics relating to their experiences implementing the distribution integrity management regulation.
    • Discuss current regulatory topics affecting distribution pipeline operators

    This event is to provide an open forum for exchanging information on regulator's expectations of operators implementing distribution integrity management programs (DIMP). Specifically it will:
    1. Provide for discussions of successful methodologies that industry is employing to meet the requirements of the DIMP rule;
    2. Allow participants to develop a clearer understanding of the DIMP rule provisions through the discussion of rule compliance concerns; and
    3. To collect public input to identify areas where development of additional guidance and supporting materials is necessary.
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  7. March 27, 2012 "Improving Pipeline Leak Detection System Effectiveness and Understanding the Application of Automatic/Remote Control Valves"

    Please find the "Summary Report" for both events here.

    Please find the Leak Detection Transcript here.

    Please find the Valves Transcript here.

    Please find the webcast recording here for 6 months from the event date.

    Location: The Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel

    PHMSA and the National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives are sponsoring these events to further study:

    • How to encourage operators to expand usage of leak detection system (LDS) and improve system effectiveness on the Nation's pipeline infrastructure.
    • How remote control and automatic control valves can be installed to lessen the volume of natural gas and hazardous liquid released during catastrophic pipeline events.

    In addition, this event is another measure in PHMSA's efforts to address the congressional mandates set forth in title 49 Pipeline Safety Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011. This event is to provide an open forum for exchanging information on leak detection systems and Automatic/Remote Control Valves for hazardous liquids and natural gas pipelines. Specifically it will:

    1. Gather and disseminate information on the state of the art of leak detection system and automatic/remote control valve operations to inform the public, Federal and State regulatory agencies and legislators in Congress on the practical considerations involved with installing, operating and maintaining;
    2. Identify the constraints with deploying systems on existing versus new construction pipelines; and
    3. To collect public input that will help guide a PHMSA study investigating and documenting leak detection and automatic/remote control valve challenges and considerations.
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