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Phmsa Triskelion LogoUnited States Department of Transportation
Archived Meetings

Pipeline Leak Detection and Automatic/Remote Controlled Shutoff Valve Studies Web-Based Briefing

Meeting Information
Status Completed
Starts Oct  5, 2012 at 9:00 AM EDT
Ends Oct  5, 2012 at 4:00 PM EDT
Location Virtual/Web-Based only
Purpose & Summary

PHMSA conducted this web-based meeting to share the progress and status on the two commissioned studies for improving pipeline leak detection system effectiveness and understanding the application of automatic control and remote control shutoff valves. These studies were conducted in response to mandates from the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job creation Act of 2011 and NTSB recommendations from the San Bruno accident. The final reports based on public comment, the draft reports, and comments submitted for the draft report are provided below.

Final Reports for both studies
Additional Information
Comments submitted during the comment period for the draft reports are available via the links below. The pages also provide links to the draft reports, as well as a summary of comments and contractor responses document describing some of the changes made between the draft and final reports.
 File Type01/03/2013: Final Report - Valve Study
Final_Valve_Study_12-10-2012_ORNL_TM_2012_411_Ver_1.pdf (11,403 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #431]
 File Type01/03/2013: Final Report - Leak Detection Study
Leak_Detection_Study_DTPH56-11-D-000001_Final_12-31-12_to_PHMSA.pdf (4,389 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #430]
 File Type10/04/2012: Leak Detection Draft Report
Leak_Detection_Study__DTPH56-11-D-000001_R_Draft_final_10-04-2012.pdf (3,776 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #397]
 File Type10/04/2012: Draft Valve Report: Studies for the Requirements of Automatic and Remotely Controlled Shutoff Valves on Hazardous Liquids and Natural Gas Pipelines with Respect to Public and Environmental Safety
Preliminary_Draft_Valve_Study_ORNL_10-04-2012_Ver_2.pdf (23,897 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #396]
 File Type10/05/2012: Leak Study Summary Presentation
Kiefner_PHMSA_Web_10-05-2012_(1)_PHMSA3.pdf (873 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #398]
 File Type10/05/2012: Valve Study Presentation
ORNL_Valve_Study_PHMSA_Webinar_Oct_5_2012_Ver_2.pdf (1,852 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #399]
 File Type10/05/2012: PHMSA Slides - Leak Detection Webinar
PHMSA_Slides_for_Leak_Detection_Webinar_-_10-05-12_.pdf (616 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #400]
 File Type10/05/2012: PHMSA Slides - Valve Webinar
PHMSA_Slides_for_Valve_Webinar_-_10-05-12_.pdf (610 KB)
[Download/Save...] [File #401]