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Phmsa Triskelion LogoUnited States Department of Transportation
Archived Meetings

Public Workshop on Integrity Verification Process

Please find the IVP Summary Report Here.

Please find the IVP Workshop Transcripts Here.

Please find the IVP Workshop FAQ's Here.

Meeting Information
Status Completed
Starts Aug  7, 2013 at 9:00 AM EDT
Ends Aug  7, 2013 at 5:00 PM EDT
Location Fitzgerald A, B & C at The Westin Arlington Gateway, Arlington, VA 22203
Purpose & Summary

The Integrity Verification Process shares similar characteristics with fitness for service processes. At this workshop, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the National Association of State Pipeline Safety Representatives and various other stakeholders will present information and seek comment on a proposed Integrity Verification Process that will help address several mandates set forth in Section 23, Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure, of the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011.

Federal Registry Notification:

Contact: Cameron Satterthwaite, Office of Pipeline Safety
202-366-1319 or by email at cameron.satterthwaite @
Additional Information

AGENDA and File Links

9:00AM Good Morning/Welcome/Event Introduction

Event Moderator:Jeff Wiese, Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, USDOT/PHMSA

9:30AM Integrity Verification Process Perspective: National Transportation Safety Board

     Honorable Christopher A. Hart, Vice Chairman

9:50AM Summary of Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines Annual Report Data

      Blaine Keener, National Field Coordinator, USDOT/PHMSA


10:40AM PHMSA's Approach for the Integrity Verification Process

     Steve Nanney, Senior Engineer, USDOT/PHMSA

11:30AM Open Floor Questioning for the Morning Presentations

Q&A Moderator: Alan Mayberry, Deputy Associate Administrator for Pipeline Policy & Programs, USDOT/PHMSA

12:00PM LUNCH — On your own

1:30PM NAPSR Perspective on the Integrity Verification Process

     Jim Hotinger, Assistant Director, Division of Utility and Railroad Safety, Virginia State Corp. Comm.

2:00PM Pipeline Safety Trust Perspective

     Carl Weimer , Executive Director, Pipeline Safety Trust

2:20PM Pipeline Operator Presentations - Intrastate

Moderator: NAPSR — Randall Knepper, Director, Safety Division, New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission

Intrastate Natural Gas Transmission: Nick Stavropoulos, Executive Vice President, Gas Operations, PG&E

Intrastate Natural Gas Transmission: Bruce Paskett, Principal Compliance Engineer, Northwest Natural Gas


3:20PM Pipeline Operator Presentations - Interstate

Moderator: Steve Nanney, Senior Engineer, USDOT/PHMSA

Interstate Natural Gas Transmission:Dwayne Burton, retired V.P. Interstate Gas Pipeline Operations and Engineering Group Vice President, Kinder Morgan

Interstate Hazardous Liquid: Dave Ysebaert, President and CEO, Explorer Pipeline

4:00PM Open Floor Questioning for the Afternoon Presentations

Q&A Moderator: Alan Mayberry, Deputy Associate Administrator for Pipeline Policy & Programs, USDOT/PHMSA

4:30PM Summary and Adjournment
Event Moderator: Jeff Wiese, Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, USDOT/PHMSA
 File Type07/16/2013: Key Data - Gas Transmission
2012_GT_Annual_Key_Data_Points_2013-07-15.pdf (166 KB)
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IVP_Agenda_-_Handout_-_FINAL_8-5-13.pdf (35 KB)
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 File Type08/08/2013: 
2012_GT_Annual_Report_Data_for_IVP_Workshop_2013-08-07_rev_2013-09-18.pdf (1,750 KB)
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Bruce_Paskett.pdf (580 KB)
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Carl_Weimer.pdf (605 KB)
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Christopher_Hart_.pdf (1,645 KB)
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Dave_Ysebaert.pdf (483 KB)
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Dwayne_Burton.pdf (630 KB)
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Jeff_Wiese_AM.pdf (1,243 KB)
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Jeff_Wiese_PM.pdf (225 KB)
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Jim_Hotinger.pdf (133 KB)
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Steve_Nanney.pdf (1,849 KB)
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 File Type09/26/2013: 
IVP_Flow_Chart_v2_9-10-2013.pdf (496 KB)
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 File Type08/27/2013: 
IVP_Transcripts.pdf (343 KB)
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 File Type08/30/2013: 
IVP_Workshop_-_FAQs_-_8-30-2013_-__draft_1.pdf (172 KB)
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 File Type08/27/2013: 
IVP_Summary_Report_-_Final.pdf (310 KB)
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 File Type07/15/2013: IVP Chart
Material_Strength_Decision_Chart_-_07-09-2013.pdf (464 KB)
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