The workshop consisted of a series of plenary presentations followed by detailed breakout sessions on four topics: Ethanol Sources and Quality Issues; Pipeline Integrity; Pipeline Operations; and Standards, Guidelines, and Training. Each of the detailed breakout sessions discussed the status of knowledge today, prioritized the gaps in knowledge and barriers that must be overcome, and identified specific activities that should be undertaken to address the gaps.
Click here to view the Ethanol Roadmapping Presentations and Results.
This notice announces a public meeting of PHMSA's Technical Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Standards Committee (THLPSSC). The THLPSSC will vote on a proposal to extend pipeline safety regulations to certain unregulated hazardous liquid gathering lines and low-stress pipelines and on a supplemental proposal addressing new requirements for lowstress pipelines in the Pipeline Inspection, Protection, Enforcement, and Safety Act of 2006 (PIPES Act). PHMSA will also consult with the THLPSSC on a concept addressing internal corrosion.
As part of PHMSA's efforts to review bulk loading and unloading of hazardous materials and to develop risk reduction strategies, the agency invites interested persons to participate in a public workshop that will examine industry data, identify industry best practices and standards, discuss the role of recommended practices for loading and unloading, and consider industry actions that have the potential to reduce risk during loading and unloading.
BackgroundA recent PHMSA review of bulk loading and unloading incidents over the past decade suggests roughly one quarter to one half of overall hazardous materials transportation incidents may be attributable to loading and unloading operations, particularly bulk packages. We also note that a significant proportion of National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) hazardous materials accident reports over this period address safety concerns regarding bulk loading or unloading operations.
Purpose of Public WorkshopOn Wednesday, May 23, 2007, PHMSA held the first public workshop on PHMSA's "Prevention Through People" (PTP) initiative. The purpose of this workshop was to gather information about noteworthy pipeline safety and integrity practices in control room operations, including measures for managing human risk factors such as fatigue. The information gathered will be used to develop an approach to control room management that enhances safety.