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Phmsa Triskelion LogoUnited States Department of Transportation
Archived Meetings

Mechanical Damage Technical Workshop

Presentations & Workshop Executive Summary are available by clicking Here

Meeting Information
Status Completed
Starts Feb 28, 2006 at 8:00 AM
Ends Mar  1, 2006 at 4:30
Location Houston, Texas
Virtual Information

Webcast link:

See "Downloads and Results" section below to download final agenda and presentation files.

Purpose & Summary

The Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration's (PHMSA) Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) and the National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR) are co-sponsoring a workshop on Mechanical Damage (MD) with the pipeline industry trade associations (American Gas Association, Association of Oil Pipe Lines, American Public Gas Association, American Petroleum Institute, Common Ground Alliance, Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, In Line Inspection Association and the Pipeline Research Council International).

This technical workshop is aimed at sharing information on MD among operators and technical experts. Resulting workshop outputs will broaden regulator and operator perspectives with information vital in pipeline inspection and oversight, and for reviewing research priorities addressing the problems posed by MD in operating gas and hazardous liquid pipelines. Discussions included:

  1. Mechanical Damage Overview - How big is the problem?
  2. Prevention - What is the confidence of available technology and what technology research is underway?
  3. Detection/Characterization - What is the confidence of available technology and what technology research is underway?
  4. The Next Steps - What measures should be taken?
  1. Final Agenda
  2. MD Prevention - Technology Research
  3. MD Prevention - Existing Technology
  4. MD Detection - Existing Technology
  5. MD Detection - Technology Research
  6. MD Characterization - Existing Technology
  7. MD Characterization - Technology Research
Additional Information

Stakeholder Input on a Study Addressing this Issue: The Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration's (PHMSA) Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) has awarded Michael Baker Jr. to conduct an overall "umbrella" study of mechanical damage issues relating to integrity of both gas and liquid pipelines, including review of incident history, level of risk, indicators of potential for line rupture, detection methods, mitigation measures, assessment procedures, and regulatory procedures for evaluation of industry assessments.

The scope of the mechanical damage study will be comprehensive and involve coordination with major industry trade organizations, pipeline operators, pipeline regulators, and industry experts, primarily in the United States with some potential Canadian participation. The study will emphasize identification and assembly of accepted technology relating to mechanical damage. The study will also identify gaps in the accepted technology necessary to understand, identify, assess, manage, and mitigate mechanical damage of pipelines as well as the gaps in associated regulations and industry standards.

Successful completion and acceptance of the study will require the support and participation of all stakeholders. The study will be structured to seek industry input and allow public comment period(s) to ensure that the portions of the study that will be made available to the public and industry will be widely accepted.

Please visit to take part in this important initiative.

 File Type05/01/2006: 
Mechanical_Damage_Workshop_Executive_Summary.pdf (204 KB)
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