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Phmsa Triskelion LogoUnited States Department of Transportation
Archived Meetings

Safety of the Nation's Gas Transmission Pipelines - NPRM (Webinar #2)

This meeting is identical to the June 8th, 2016 Webinar. There will also be another identical Webinar on June 29th, 1:30-3:00 PM EDT Register Here for June 29th Webinar.

The same presentation will be used and is posted below. If you have an issue with Adobe Connect, download the presentation file and follow along.

Each meeting is limited to the first 500 registrants.

Meeting Information
Status Completed
Starts Jun 28, 2016 at 1:30 PM EDT
Ends at 3:00 PM EDT
Virtual Information

Here is a link to the recording of the June 28, 2016, webinar:

Purpose & Summary

NOTE: Here is a link to the recording of the June 28, 2016, webinar:

This public webinar is being hosted by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to discuss the proposed rulemaking for the safety of the nation's gas transmission pipelines. Learn more about the proposed rule on gas transmission pipelines by attending one of the two planned webinars. At the sessions, PHMSA senior staff will present factual information about the regulatory proposal and will answer clarifying questions intended to help you comment more knowledgeably.

Among a number of topics in the rulemaking proposal, PHMSA is proposing to update integrity management (IM) requirements and to address issues related to non-IM requirements for natural gas transmission and gathering pipelines.

Additional Information
PHMSA is extending the comment period from June 7, 2016, to July 7, 2016. All members of the public can submit comments by any of the following methods referencing Docket No. PHMSA-2011-0023:
E-Gov Web Site: This site allows the public to enter comments on any Federal Register notice issued by any agency.
Fax: 1-202-493-2251.
Mail: DOT Docket Management System: U.S. DOT, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE., Washington, DC 20590-0001.

Hand Delivery: U.S. DOT Docket Management System; West Building Ground Floor, Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590-0001, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.

Instructions: You should identify the Docket No. PHMSA-2011-0023 at the beginning of your comments. If you submit your comments by mail, please submit two copies. To receive confirmation that PHMSA received your comments, include a self-addressed stamped postcard. Internet users may submit comments to the Docket at
Note: Comments are posted without changes or edits to, including any personal information provided.
 File Type06/15/2016: 
Gas_NPRM_webinar_slide_June_2016_-_6-17-2016.pdf (201 KB)
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